I just am.
This week has been another week of highs. Not as crazy as that last time... no. But better, oh yes.
This week was a holiday here (our New Year), so I didn't work very much. I went to a fet party and I'm starting to feel part of the community... I knew a lot of people. I got a lot of attention. I was groovin' all over the place :-D
Let's just call it playful :) Playful with a very lovely couple of friends, playful with the same girlfriend I got playful with last time, and the flogger of an old familiar friend got playful with my ass.
I had even brought a date (vanilla with kinks, not BDSM) but he was sort of... Not involved. For the most part. But he was by far the best looking guy at the party so that was okay too.
Day after -- picnic in the park with my lovely young couple. Yummy ;-)
Next day at work I found out that this bitch from our New York office who has been making my life hell had been asked to leave... Happy New Year to me! I'm still walking on air.
And the weekend was filled with renewed intimacy (and new-frontier sessions) with Mr. C. (Only one tough moment that I hope we've overcome... Can't seem to get away from those with him :/ )
So this week has been very BDSM-ey and fun, and happy, and I'm high on endorphins and music and food and youth.
For the two weeks prior to that I was involved in an actual romance that doesn't seem to have a chance in hell of going anywhere but which has been really nice to be in. The idiot lives in France, so...
Yeah. We'll see.
But today is a beautiful day and I'm planning to enjoy it!
20 hours ago
all in all, sounds like it was more positives than negatives ... smiles ...I'm glad
Thanks, hon
There have been some downs since, but that's just life, and nothing I can't handle.
People are just difficult sometimes!
Mostly - life is good :-D
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